Family & Divorce Solicitors In Maidstone, Gravesend & Kent

Many people encounter a family law issue at some point in their lives and to get through it, you’ll want family and divorce solicitors who dedicate the time to listen to you and your concerns, explain your options and provide practical and clear advice about how you can move forward.

That’s exactly what our team offers you. We can help with all family legal issues, including divorce, matrimonial and cohabitation financial issues and arrangements for children.

The importance of family law

At Gullands, we understand that a relationship breakdown can cause you stress and anxiety. It’s natural to worry about any potential impact the upheaval of your home life may have on you and your children.  

Our team works to support you through this process, helping you to make the sometimes difficult decisions about how to move ahead. Our aim is to work with you to find a resolution to your issues to best assist you and your children.

Many of our family team are members of Resolution, an organisation committed to non-confrontational divorce, separation, and other family problems. We are committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes.  Head of Department Julie Hobson is a collaborative lawyer, which means she can work with you, your former partner and their collaborative lawyer to find a solution to benefit the whole family.

Our team of family solicitors are based in Maidstone and Gravesend and can offer appointments in both locations. 

How can we help you?

We offer an initial appointment at a reduced rate of £200 plus VAT. This will provide you with an appointment lasting up to an hour with a qualified solicitor, in which we can go through all the issues arising from separation. At the end of the appointment, we will write to you, confirming our discussions in the meeting and telling you how to go about instructing us further, if you wish. 

These appointments are without any obligation to instruct us any further, but a chance for you to get some initial legal advice, and hopefully receive answers to some of the issues that may be worrying you the most.

What family law services do Gullands offer?

We offer a wide range of family services, with expert and affordable solutions for all concerns. Our services include: 

  • Separation and divorce
  • Financial settlement
  • Children disputes
  • Cohabitation breakdown
  • Collaboration
  • Pre and post nuptial agreements
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Separation agreements


Contact Gullands

For legal assistance with matters related to family law contact our dedicated legal team by:

Telephone: 01622 689713


Or by completing our online contact form.


How long will my divorce take?

On average, a divorce can take between 4-6 months but if there are financial matters to settle then it could take longer depending on the extent of the assets and whether agreement can be reached.  If court proceedings are issued to deal with finances then it is likely to be several months before the conclusion of the matter but we will always try to settle matters by agreement to avoid you having to go through the process of court proceedings and to save on costs.

How much will my divorce cost?

Straightforward divorce proceedings where there is no financial element, the cost on average is around £1,800 plus vat including court fee of £593.00.  Where an order is required to record the financial terms of agreement costs can vary depending on the extent of the assets and whether an application to the court is required where agreement is not reached.  We will provide you with a cost estimate before commencing work on the matter and once we have an idea of what you are seeking and how this can be achieved.

What are the grounds for divorce?

Since the introduction of ‘No Fault Divorce’ there is only one ground for divorce this being irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, where there are no prospects of a reconciliation.  

What is a Consent Order and do I have to have one?

A Consent Order is the legal document, which, records the terms of agreement reached in respect of a financial settlement.  We recommend that you have a Consent Order, as there are a number of benefits in having one and some risks if you do not.  These will depend on the circumstances of your case and which we will discuss with you during the initial meeting.

Can I delay my divorce but deal with the finances?

Sometimes parties do not have a relevant ground to divorce straight away but need to sort out their finances, say for example, the sale of the matrimonial home.  We can advise you on ways in which to protect your assets and deal with finances pending divorce proceedings such as recording the terms in a Separation Agreement.

How do we deal with the care of the children once we have separated?

The care of the children can be agreed between the parents but if there is a dispute as to with whom the children should live and/or how much time they should spend with the non-resident parent then we can assist you in negotiating what would be best for the children.  If agreement cannot be reached then an application can be made to the court for a Child Arrangement order.  We can advise you on the law and procedure relating to this and how to deal with the matter most cost effectively.

Am I entitled to maintenance from my spouse?

This will depend on a number of factors.  Most commonly we will look at the length of marriage, ages of the parties, who will be looking after the children, whether each party is currently employed, parties’ incomes in comparison to their outgoings and whether both parties would be financially stable without spousal maintenance.  Other factors may also be taken into consideration.  We will advise you according to the circumstances of your case.

I’m thinking of getting married. Is there any way I can protect my assets?

We can draft a Cohabitation Agreement which is a document recording details of how both party’s assets and finances are to be dealt with in the event that you should separate or in the unfortunate event of either party’s demise.  It can also include arrangements and provision for the children.  This document will be customised to your individual needs and agreement taking into consideration the facts of your case and the extent of assets owned by you both at the time of cohabitation, making sure that adequate and fair provision is being made for the future.

My partner and I are thinking of moving in together but we want to make sure our assets are safe in the event that we separate. Is there any document we can sign to protect us?

We can draft a Cohabitation Agreement which is a document recording details of how both party’s assets and finances are to be dealt with in the event that you should separate or in the unfortunate event of either party’s demise.  It can also include arrangements and provision for the children.  This document will be customised to your individual needs and agreement taking into consideration the facts of your case and the extent of assets owned by you both at the time of cohabitation, making sure that adequate and fair provision is being made for the future.

I wish to divorce my husband but I am scared of starting proceedings whilst we are living together as he is physically and mentally abusing me. What can I do?

You may wish to consider applying for a non-molestation injunction, which we can help you with.  This is an order from the court preventing your husband from continuing this abuse.  At the same time you can apply for an Occupation Order to have your husband removed from the property and if the court’s feel that you need this protection the order may be granted.  We can advise you as to the method by which such orders can be obtained and how to go about starting the proceedings for divorce thereafter.