April 28, 2016
The pros and cons of a new Lower Thames Crossing
Following the announcement of Highways England’s preferred route for a new Lower Thames Crossing, this will help open up North Kent for businesses, however it will be at the expense of home and land owners affected by the route. All those likely to be affected by the proposed new road scheme are being urged to […]
March 31, 2016
Are you meeting the new First Aid at Work Guidelines?
Every business should have a first aid policy for the workplace. Here are the key points worth noting when considering First Aid at Work. What is first aid at work? Every workplace should have a first aid policy in place. Employees can be taken ill or suffer injuries at any time, so it is important […]
January 14, 2016
Don’t let your heart overrule your head this Valentine’s Day – Pre-nups the facts
It is estimated to be the busiest day of the year for marriage proposals, so with Valentine’s Day on the horizon, have you considered how you will protect your wealth and assets if you become engaged? Around 42% of marriages in England and Wales sadly end in divorce, so it’s important to use your head […]
January 14, 2016
Flood Risk homes
This winter, many homeowners will once again prepare themselves for the possibility of flooding, which is a growing risk for some properties and something a number of Kent’s residents have had to deal with in recent years. Some people will buy a property, especially those in a fantastic location, fully aware that at some time, […]
January 14, 2016
Charitable giving – does it work for you?
Many people have charities that are close to their hearts and they choose to support them either by volunteering their time and or by making regular financial donations. It is often a good idea to review your charitable giving and whether giving during your lifetime or leaving a legacy in your Will is the best […]
January 6, 2016
Working Time Regulations: Employers’ Obligations
Obligations A business must take all reasonable steps to ensure that workers’ average working time (including overtime) does not exceed 48 hours each week. If the business fails to make sure these steps are complied with, criminal sanctions can be imposed on the business. However, if workers have signed an opt-out agreement, the limit on […]
January 6, 2016
Dealing with employee grievances
How should grievances be handled? A grievance can be any concern, problem, or complaint an employee raises with the business. If a grievance cannot be resolved informally, the employee should raise it in writing with a manager. If the grievance concerns their line manager, the grievance should be raised with another manager. A failure to […]
January 6, 2016
Obituary – David Caddick
We are sad to report one of our former colleagues David Caddick passed away in December. David started off his legal career as an Articled Clerk here at Gullands, under the wing of the late, Douglas Gulland. David qualified with the firm and became a Partner, showing great promise as a hardworking and talented lawyer. […]
January 6, 2016
Make your last wishes count
Recent years have seen an increase in the number of people choosing to divide their assets unequally in their Will amongst various beneficiaries and not just close family members. Whether due to old-fashioned favouritism, a rise in the number of step and extended family relationships, family disagreements or the belief that one child is more […]
January 6, 2016
Assured Shorthold Tenancies – The New Rules
So you have decided to rent your flat or house and found just the right tenant. His credentials and references are perfect. He signs a Tenancy Agreement for 12 months and things go swimmingly well. The 12 months are up, you are both happy as he pays the rent on time and he does not […]