Spurs Legends come to the Gallagher Stadium
We are delighted to be sponsoring a charity football match on Sunday 30th June 2019, which sees the Spurs Legends play Waitrose 270 FC at the Gallagher Stadium, Maidstone.
Tickets are selling fast and cost £5 for adults and £1 for children and the money raised goes to support two local charities – Mencap Maidstone and Space 2 Be Me.
The Spurs Legends team includes well-known names such as Anderton, Clemence, Davis, Doherty, Edinburgh, Falco, Galvin, D. Howells, G. Howells, Kerslake, McVeigh, Miller, Nethercott, Perry, Sinton and Watson.
Paul Mannering, Practice Manager at Gullands comments: “This promises to be an exciting match and gives fans the opportunity to see some very well respected players one more time whilst raising funds for two well deserving charities.”
Tickets available from barker.simon@btopenworld.com officeub@maidstonemencap.org or clubs@space2beme.org.uk